T911 Mandarin Curriculum
Chinese Language course details
Course Name: YCT 1 (Customize)
Ages:5-7 years
Standard Hours:30
Course topics
Body parts, Family, Animals, Pronouns and particles, Greetings, Colours, Months, day of the week, Week
- Lesson 1 你好!Hello!
- Lesson 2 你叫什么?What’s your name?
- Lesson 3 他是谁?Who is he?
- Lesson 4 我家有四口人。There are four people in my family.
- Lesson 5 我6岁。I’m 6 years old.
- Lesson 6 你的个子真高!You’re so tall!
- Lesson 7 这是谁的狗?Whose dog is this?
- Lesson 8 我去商店。I’m going to the store.
- Lesson 9 今天星期几?What day is it today?
- Lesson 10 现在几点?What time is it?
- Lesson 11 你吃什么?What would you like to eat?
Course Name: YCT 2
Ages:7-12 years
Standard Hours:40
Course topics
- Lesson 1 我可以坐儿吗?Can I sit here?
- Lesson 2 你早上几点起床?What time do you get up?
- Lesson 3 你的铅笔呢?What about your pencil?
- Lesson 4 书包里有两本书。There are two books in the bag
- Lesson 5 你会不会做饭?Can You make food?
- Lesson 6 包子多少钱一个? Steam bun is for how much rupees?
- Lesson 7 今天比昨天热。It’s hot compared to yesterday
- Lesson 8 马丁比我大三岁。Ma Ding is 3 years elder to me
- Lesson 9 你今天做什么了?What are you doing today?
- Lesson 1O 你怎么了?What happened?
- Lesson 11 我来北京一年了。I came once to Beijing
Course Name: YCT 3
Ages:7-12 years
Standard Hours:50
Course topics
- Lesson 1 我三年级。My third grade.
- Lesson 2 你喜欢什么运动?What sports do you like?
- Lesson 3 我在画画儿呢。I am painting
- Lesson 4 喂,您好!Hello, Hello
- Lesson 5 再吃几个。Eat a few more
- Lesson 6 我能自己穿。I can wear it by myself
- Lesson 7 生日快乐!Happy Birthday
- Lesson 8 下雪了。It’s snowing
- Lesson 9 笑一笑!Smile
- Lesson 10 谁跑得快?Who runs fast?
- Lesson 11 妈妈把糖给弟弟了。Mon gave the candy to younger brother
Course Name: HSK 1
Ages: Above 12 years
Standard Hours:35
Course topics
- 你好 Hello
- 谢谢你 Thank you
- 你叫什么名字 What’s your name
- 她是我的汉语老师 She is my Chinese teacher
- 她女儿今年二十岁 Her daughter is 20 years old this year
- 我会说汉语 I can speak Chinese
- 今天几号 What’s the date today
- 我想喝茶 I’d like some tea
- 你儿子在哪儿工作 Where does your son work
- 我能坐这儿吗 Can I sit here
- 现在几点 What’s the time now
- 明天天气怎么样 What will the weather be like tomorrow
- 他在学做中国菜呢 He is learning to cook Chinese food
- 她买了不少衣服 She has bought quite a few clothes
- 我是做飞机来的 I came here by air
Course Name: HSK 2
Ages: Above 12 years
Standard Hours:55
Course topics
- 九月去北京旅游最好 September is the best time to visit Beijing
- 我每天六点起床 I get up at six every day
- 左边那个红色的是我的 The red one on the left is mine
- 这个工作是他帮我介绍的 He recommended me for this job
- 就买这件吧 Take this one
- 你怎么不吃了 Why don’t you eat more
- 你家离公司远吗 Do you live far from your company
- 让我想想再告诉你 Let me think about it and I’ll tell you later
- 提太多,我没做完 Questions were too many, I didn’t finish all of them
- 别找了,手机在桌子上呢 Stop looking for it, mobile is on the table
- 他比我大三岁He is elder to me 3 years
- 你穿得太少了You are wearing too little
- 门开着呢 Door is open
- 你看过那个电影吗 Have you seen that movie
- 新年就要到了The new year is coming
Course Name: HSK 3
Ages: Above 12 years
Standard Hours:70
Course topics
- 周末你有什么打算 What’s your plan for the weekend
- 他什么时候回来 When will he come back
- 桌子上放着很多饮料 There are plenty of drinks on the table
- 她总是笑着跟客人说话 She always smiles when talking to customers
- 我最近越来越胖了 I am getting fatter and fatter lately
- 怎么在突然找不到了 Why are they suddenly missing
- 我跟她都认识五年了 I’ve known her for five years
- 你去哪儿我就去哪儿 I’ll go wherever you go
- 她的汉语说得跟中国人一样好 She speaks Chinese like a native
- 数学比历史难多了 Maths is much harder than history
- 别忘了把空调关了 Don’t forget to turn off the air conditioner
- 把重要的东西放在我这儿吧 Leave the important items with me
- 我是走回来的 I walked back
- 你把水果拿过来 Please bring the fruit here
- 其他都没什么问题 The rest of them are all OK
- 我现在累得下了班就想睡觉 I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work
- 谁都有办法看好你的病 Everybody is able to cure your “disease”
- 我相信他们会同意的 I believe they’ll agree
- 你没看出来吗 Didn’t you recognize him
- 我被他影响了 I’ve been influenced by him
Course Name: HSK 4 A & HSK 4 B
Ages: Above 12 years
Standard Hours:100
Course topics
- 简单的爱情 Simple love
- 真正的朋友 A true friend
- 经理对我印象不错 I’ve made a good impression on the manager
- 不要太着急赚钱 Don’t be anxious to make money
- 只买对的, 不买贵的 Buy the right, not the expensive
- 一份钱一分货 The higher the price, the better the quality
- 最好的医生是自己 The best doctor is yourself
- 生活中不缺少美 Beauty is not rare in life
- 阳光总在风雨后 The sun will shine again after the storm
- 幸福的标准 Standards of happiness
- 读书好, 读好书, 好读书 It’s good to read; read good books and like reading
- 用心发现世界 Discover the world with your heart
- 喝着茶看京剧 Drink tea while watching Beijing opera
- 保护地球母亲 Protect our Mother Earth
- 教育孩子的艺术 The art of educating children
- 生活可以更美好 Life can be better
- 人与自然 Humans and nature
- 科技与世界 Science, technology and the world
- 生活的味道 Taste of life
- 路上的风量 The view along the way
Course Name: HSK 5 A & HSK 5 B
Ages: Above 12 yrs
Standard Hours:6-8 months (130 hours)
Course topics
- 爱的细节 Details of Love
- 留串钥匙给父母 Leaving a Bunch of Keys to Our Parents
- 人生有选择, 一切可改变 Having Choices in Life Makes Change Possible
- 子路背米 Zilu Carrying Rice
- 济南的泉水 Spring Water in Ji’nan
- 除夕的由来 Origin of Chuxi
- 成语故事两则 Two Idiom Stories
- “”朝三暮四”” 的古今义 Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk
- 别样鲁迅 The Lu Xun You Don’t Know
- 争论的奇迹 Miracle of Debate
- 闹钟的危害 Harm of Alarm Clocks
- 海外用户玩儿微信 Overseas Users of WeChat
- 锯掉生活的””筐底”” Cutting Off the “”Bottom of the Basket”” in Life
- 北京的四合院 Quadrangle Courtyards in Beijing
- 纸上谈兵 Being an Armchair Strategist
- 体重与节食 Weight and Diet
- 在最美好的时刻离开 Ending at the Best Moment
- 抽象艺术美不美 Abstract Art: Beautiful or Not?
- 家乡的萝卜饼 Turnip pancakes in my hometown
- 小人书摊 Picture-story bookstalls
- 汉字叔叔: 一个美国人的汉字情缘 Uncle Hanzi, The predestined love of an American for Chinese characters
- 阅读与思考 Reading and thinking
- 放手 Letting go
- 支教行动 Volunteer teaching
- 给自己加满水 Adding up the load on yourself
- 你属于哪一种””忙”” Which kind of “”busy”” person are you
- 下棋 Playing chess
- 最受欢迎的毕业生 The most popular graduate
- 培养对手 Training your rivals
- 竞争让市场更高效 Competition makes the market more efficient
- 登门槛效应 Foot-in-the-door effect
- 身边的环保 Protecting the environment around us
- 以堵治堵———缓解交通有妙招 Treating congestion with congestion: A smart way to relieve traffic burden
- 鸟儿的护肤术 How birds take care of their feathers
- 植物会出汗 Plants also sweat
- 老舍与养花 Lao She and his flowers
Course Name: BCT 1
Ages: Above 15 years
Standard Hours:40
Course topics
- 你好Hello
- 欢迎 Welcome
- 我来介绍一下 Introduce oneself
- 再见 Goodbye
- 他是哪国人 You are from which country?
- 对不起 Sorry
- 今天星期几 Today is which day of the week
- 现在几点 What time is it?
- 几点起床 When do you wakeup
- 今天几月几号 Today is which day of the month and what is the date?
- 办公室在五零六房间 Office is in room no 506
- 什么时候见面 When will you meet?
- 请给我打电话 Please give me your number
- 坐出租车 Going by taxi
- 坐电梯 In the elevator
- 洗手间在哪儿 Where is the restroom
- 在桌子上 On the table
- 在餐厅 In the restaurant
- 在超市 In the supermarket
- 订票 Booking a ticket
Course Name: BCT 2
Age: Above 15 years
Standard Hours:50
Course topics
- 你好吗 How are you?
- 我的同事 My colleague
- 我的爱好My hobby
- 我坐地铁来上班 I came to work by metro
- 我们公司在CBD Our company is CBD
- 明天是晴天 Tomorrow is a clear day
- 我生病了 I am sick
- 您要留言吗 Do you want to leave some message?
- 真不好意思 I am not extremely sorry
- 您需要帮助吗 Do you want help?
- 这是您的日程 This is your schedule
- 今天有什么安排 Today have what arrangements?
- 我的计划 My plans
- 通知 Notice
- 欢迎光临 Welcome
- 请派人来修理一下 Please call someone to repair it
- 我的工作 My job
- 这是我们的新产品 These are our new products
- 能帮我一下吗?Can you help me once?
- 在中国出差 On a business trip to China
Course Name: BCT 3
Ages:Above 15 years
Standard Hours:60
Course topics
- 幸会 Happy
- 为了健康 For your health
- 节日聚会 Holiday party
- 他出去了He went out
- 请把门打开 Please help to open the door
- 简历被谁拿走了 Who took away the resume?
- 手续很简单 Procedures are simple
- 预定会议中心 Book a conference center
- 我们是一家大企业 We all are from one company
- 欢迎您来我们工厂参观 Welcome to the factory
- 在市场上销售得很好 In the market they are selling good products
- 我们开始吧 Lets start
- 请您再考虑考虑 Please you again consider it
- 为我们合作成功干杯 Cheers to our success
- 七天包退 Refund for seven days
- 希望这样的问题以后不再发生 I hope this problem doesn’t come again
- 我们要招聘新员工 we want to recruit new employees
- 市场调查报告 Market examination report
- 合同修改好了Contract has been revised
- 祝你一路顺风 I wish there was a good road