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    Why Learn with Classbuk?

    certified teacher

    Finest & Experienced Teachers

    Both 1:1 & Small Group Classes

    40+ subjects to choose from. Enroll in as less as 8 sessions

    Teachers with international teaching experience

    Full Guidance for going online

    Excellent client service on whatsapp

    Flexible timings as per student's needs

    Flexible refund policy

    Flexible payment options. 100 + currencies accepted

    Strict privacy rules


    Classbuk is doing an amazing job for online classes. I am impressed by the way their selected teachers engage with my daughter Shairin. Shairin looks forward to her classes with Classbuk

    Ms. Kamna

    Hong Kong S.A.R.

    From classical Indian dancing, piano, to art and yoga, they pick the finest teachers who form an immediate connection with the child. Utmost care is taken at each session to ensure it meets customer satisfaction.

    Ms. Umang

    Texas (United States)

    The classes with Classbuk have been so worthwhile. My daughter is learning western music from the teacher through Classbuk and it has been a great experience. The supportive push by the teacher helps the child to build confidence and is a big motivation.

    Ms. Praneeta

    Kolkata (India)

    Saanvi is eager and is looking forward to her coding class every week with Ms. Seema. Her favorite part of the class is when she can play the simple fun games she has created. It’s a great opportunity to have this available at Classbuk as a skill-building topic, with a small group and personalized experience.

    Mr. Sridhar

    Hong Kong S.A.R.


    Why Learn Online with Classbuk?

    Live 1:1 & Small Group Classes

    Live 1:1 & Small Group Classes

    We offer both 1:1 as well as small group live online classes which allows the highest level of personalization and customization with a human touch, something which no AI can achieve.

    Finest & Experienced Teachers

    Finest & Experienced Teachers

    Learn with teachers who form an immediate connection with the child. Teachers go through a rigorous selection process so you don't have to waste time in unnecessary trials

    Flexible timings and frequency

    Flexible timings and frequency

    Take classes as per your convenient schedule and frequency.

    Attractive prices . Short duration options

    Attractive prices . Short duration options

    Classes at attractive prices at short-duration options as less as 8 sessions also.

     Strict privacy rules

    Strict privacy rules

    We take learner and teacher privacy very seriously.

    Flexible Payment Options

    Flexible Payment Options

    Multiple payment options for payment globally in over 100 currencies

    Teacher who takes the demo takes the actual classes

    Teacher who takes the demo takes the actual classes

    Unlike many other platforms, the teacher taking the demo session takes the actual classes with Classbuk.

    International audience

    International audience

    Let your kids be part of our international community of learners. Learn from teachers with international teaching experience

    Wide variety of Classes

    Wide variety of Classes

    40+ academic and non academic subjects to choose from.  If you don't find a class or timings do not suit you, please Ask Us. 

    Parent Friendly Refund Policy

    Parent Friendly Refund Policy

    No questions asked Refund Policy

    Explore Classbuk on Whatsapp

    Whatsapp Catalogue