
Refund Policy

Classbuk supports several refund policies for parents. Usage of the platform and/or enrollment for classes through Classbuk implies, that Parents are agreeable to the below refund policies

For Parents

Standard Terms

Parents have multiple options in case they or their child do not want to continue with any of the paid classes.

1)  Replacement of the teacher free of charge, (subject to the availability of an alternate teacher). Please give us advance notice of at least 2 weeks with the request for teacher change where possible,
2) Transfer of balance to another class with Classbuk for the same student or sibling.
3) If option 1 or 2 does not work out, refund of pending balance with just a 3.5% deduction due to bank charges. The requests for a refund by parents will be permitted on a pro-rata basis, i.e. classes considered as completed would be deducted and the remaining amount of pending classes would be refunded to the parents.

  • Parents will receive a full refund or make-up classes for classes canceled or missed by Classbuk/ Teacher.
  • If you miss 3 consecutive classes without communicating with the teacher or Classbuk, you forfeit the class fees and the teacher / Classbuk may cancel the class.
  • If a learner has not joined the meeting 10 minutes after the start time, the meeting may be canceled, at the teacher’s discretion.  This is considered a missed meeting and you are not entitled to a refund.
  • If you miss a class, you are not entitled to a refund. It is treated as a regular class.
  • For group classes, missed classes are counted as regular classes. Make-up classes for such students in a group class will be taken on a best-effort basis.
  • For private lessons, parents should inform Classbuk at least 24 hours in advance of any class rescheduling/cancellation requests. Rescheduled classes should be taken within the same week. Requests with less than 24 hours’ notice will be serviced on a best-effort basis or else a missed class will be counted as a regular class. All such reschedule / cancellation requests should be informed to Classbuk by parents in writing and not through a teacher. 
  • The teacher is entitled to take the classes for the scheduled end time in case of a delay in joining a class by the student.
  • Refund rules do not apply for group classes with 2 students. In such cases, parents forfeit the balance in case they choose to discontinue the classes
  • Refund generally takes 5-7 working days.

The Company shall have the sole discretion of revising or altering the refund policy at any point in time without any prior notice.



Happiness Guarantee

It’s important to us that everyone has a positive experience learning with Classbuk.  If any issues arise, you should first try to resolve them directly with the teacher.  If you’re not satisfied, let us know and we’ll give our best effort to find a way to make it right.

Contact us at support@Classbuk.com or +919004938090  with any questions or concerns

