Community Standards

Community Standards

Classbuk is an open community of learners (children ages 3-18), parents and teachers. We are connected by technology and united by a desire to help children love learning. All our classes are offered by teachers, who determine the content and format of their own classes with the help of Classbuk where needed. All the teachers are bound by a contract with Classbuk. 

While our open community is our greatest source of strength, it also brings challenges.  It is important to us that Classbuk is a safe space for our users.  Our members should treat each other without bias or prejudice across all pillars of diversity including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identity.  Here are some guidelines that we ask our members to observe. Classbuk members who do not meet these guidelines will be removed from the site.


Teacher Code of Conduct

  • Offer classes only where you have the appropriate background or expertise.
  • Teach classes professionally: be prepared, begin on time, and treat all learners with respect. Do not teach while impaired by alcohol or drugs, and do not model any behaviour that a student age 18 or younger is restricted from doing.
  • Respond promptly to parent questions and requests.
  • Communicate with parents and learners in a professional manner, both in messages and in-class.
  • Treat all members of the Classbuk community respectfully, including our staff.
  • Adhere to our Teacher Social Media Policy by remaining thoughtful and professional online.
  • Adhere to our class content policy by only offering secular, objective, age-appropriate classes.
  • Create a safe and welcoming space for learners and families from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations.


Parent Code of Conduct

  • Ask questions of teachers to clarify any missing details about classes.
  • Show up for your class; many classes depend on group conversation, and the absence of a single student can have a big impact especially in group classes
  • Provide constructive feedback about your class experience, for the benefit of the teacher and other parents.
  • Engage in civil conversation and speak and act with respect for different opinions.
  • Help keep Classbuk a safe space for learners, families, and teachers from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations.
  • Keep your personal information private and don’t ask others to share personal information (e.g., email address, the full name of the teacher, mailing address, phone number, social media page  etc.).


Learner Code of Conduct

  • Join the class on time and be ready to learn.
  • Dress in a manner appropriate for class to help create a safe and comfortable environment for all learners and the teacher. Sit in a comfortable position
  • Treat the teacher and your classmates with respect.
  • Take responsibility for making each class a great learning experience for yourself and your classmates: participate, stay on topic, and avoid distractions.
  • Contribute to a class environment in a way that is safe and welcoming for learners and teachers from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations.
  • Keep your personal information private and don’t ask others to share personal information (e.g., email address, mailing address, phone number, gamer tags, etc.).


Classbuk Code of Conduct

  • We welcome members from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations and are committed to creating a safe space for our users across all pillars of diversity.
  • We will listen to feedback from parents, teachers, and learners, and make changes accordingly.
  • We will create and enforce policies to create high quality, trusted, and safe community for learning. This may include removing content or users from the platform.
  • We will respond as promptly as possible to questions and issues that arise. We appreciate your patience


Finally, we ask that all members assume the best intentions in others.  When something goes wrong, whether it’s a technical glitch, an email without a response, or something else, we ask that you share feedback in a constructive way.













